Europe & Africa cable wakeboard championship 2018 / Youth&Senior

This is the time of year, when the best European and African cable wakeboard riders meet on one place. This year they all met in wonderful place in Wakeparadise Milano, Italy. It was milenium 20th IWWF European & African Championship. Everything started on 11.8. 2018 when registration for youth&senior comp started. Than till Wednesday were training and competing just youth&senior categories. From Thursday started registrations for open categories, wakeskate and seated guys. That was the time schedule with finals on saturday 18.8. 2018 and than huge afterparty.

For me everything started on Friday 10.8. with my travel to Milan, we had fun because I traveled with chief scorer and the best dock marshal ever. We met other officials in Holliday inn hotel, which was close to the wake park, 5 minutes by walk. It’s always great to meet all friends from another countries.

From Saturday started registration of all youth&senior riders, where was registered 198 riders from 23 different countries. So amazing numbers, we had for the first time girl from South Africa, Latvia or women from Romania. It’s amazing to see, how this all grows, from front seats. On Saturday and Sunday there were riders training and after that we all meet on big stadium Hydroscalo.

There started first part of my job and I was crazy nervous. Because just realise that, put 300 riders in right order and manage that all was bit scary and few countries made it really hard :-D, They know which ones :-D. But after all I thing that Opening ceremony went great, all riders and teams enjoys it. I was trying to do my best, that all countries saw each others, so we made huge snake, walk on the bridge above water, country anthems etc. And big thanks here for team Great Britain who was helping me with official speech. Cause my writing skills are not good enough for that :-D. Than some small food for riders and teams, meet each other and than back to hotel and have some fun before it all starts.

Monday till Wednesday there were all qualies, quarters, semifinals and finals of youth&senior competition. And here are the results of this wakeboard categories:

Girls U15
Boys U15

Juninor ladies Junior men

Master ladies Master men

Veteran men

and  than wakeskate categories:

Wakeskate junior ladies Wakeskate junior men

After this part of competition was first part of prize giving ceremony and than we all met in Casa del Gelato, for wakeboarding Ice cream movie the whole part – here just the trailer, you can see it soon. It was so awesome and with many riders from comp which was coming in next days, like Peacock brothers, Joey Battleday and others. Yeaaah and than party as you wish 😀 so much fun, and dance till the morning. Parties which you don’t plan are the best ones.

For great pictures from competition go and see hashtags like #wakeparadise #iwwf #eawakechamp2018 and than to facebook pages of Wakeparadise or where you can find out all streamings and videos from all categories.

So on the end of this part of the comp Thank to every one involved and to all the riders of youth&senior part, I had amazing time and hopefully even you all <3

Open category HERE

European and Africa cable wakeboard championship 2018
20th IWWF European and Africa cable wakeboard Championship 2018 in Wakeparadise Milano Italy. Youth&Senior Categories.

Post Author: Mia

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