Europe & Africa cable wakeboard championship 2018 / Open and Seated

First article about this competition is about Youth&Senior part, where you can find all info about this part of the competition.

In this article you will find small info about what happened after Youth&Senior categories and for sure all the results of Open&Seated categories.

On Thursday we started with registrations and training times for all riders. Trainings started with wakeskates separately, than seated guys separately, there we find out few stuff we need to improve for them, and than all other countries in special blocks.

After this we can finally rest a little bit 🙂 But I didn’t had power for go riding or something, so I was just chilling and preparing my self for another hard and long days.

On Thursday all officials woke up at 6 am and at 7am we all been on cable preparing stuff for qualifications and we started at 8am.

All qualification runs were amazing and we saw there that all riders showed us that they are the best of the best. But in qualifications there happened few falls and huge surprise was that wakeskater Clement de Premonville was not going to semi finals. I like how this guy is riding, it is always great show, so that was so sad, but others wakeskaters surprised me a lot with their progress so it was crazy amazing anyway in finals.

In quarter finals for me happend other huge surprises as Lior Sofer and Sam de Hahn not going thru and in semi finals there it finished for Ariano Blanik. Another rider that everyone was expecting in finals. This showed us that change of rules made it much more intense and thrilling.

I personaly had new amazing experience with seated guys category, who I was judging for the first time, and they did not make it easy. We could see flip from kicker from Henry Chen (Israel), 540es from kicker from Jerome Elbrycht (France) and amazing handle pass directly trasfering on the first obstacle of the lap from Emanuele Pagnini. Guys thank you very much for this unforgettable experience.

In finals open men category it was clash of the titans!  Go and look for theirs final rides, I was just sitting there with open mouth and not believing to my own eyes. And the one who won that all? Guy Firer (Israel) that guy totally deserves that, in every heat he finished on first position, and his final run was totally sick. Even thats why he got that much points. And what we saw there? 313 rewind, tantrum transfer to obstacle, 720 and so on, so just go and see on stream, where you can find it you will find below.

So and results below:

Wakeskate open women Wake skate open men


Open women Open men

After there was really nice prize giving ceremony, even with teams winners you can find them here: 1. Italy 2. France 3. Israel

Huge surprise for me was that even we got medal for our judging and for remembrance of this great event.

Every one than left for dinner and we all met again in Casa del Gelato and than in open air party somewhere, I already forgot that place 😀 Party was great again, we all celebrated success of all riders and had wonderful time <3

Here you can find pictures and videos from this awesome event, so go and see hashtags like #wakeparadise #iwwf #eawakechamp2018 and than facebook pages of Wakeparadise or where you can find out all streamings and videos from all categories.

Finally I would like to thank everybody that helped to organise this competition, cable park wakeparadise, all the officials, riders, team captains, staff and sponsors that without them none of this would have been possible.

All amazing people who were behind this awesome event:


Simone Sivieri – Technical delegate- Spain

Manuel Orlando – Competition colonel – Italy

Sebastina Huizinga – Technical delegate assistant– Netherlands

Theo Mistaudy – Chief Jundge – France

Adam Malik – Chief scorer – Slovakia

Monica Lorenzo Dieguez – assistant scorer – Spain

Roman Janošík – Chief dock marshal – Slovakia

Liam Peacock – commentator – Great Britain

Julia Castro Christiansen – marketing & media – Spain


Carlo Orlando  – Italy

Ellie Messeri – Israel

Mia Knechtová – Czech republic

Levente Nagy – Hungary

Marko Gačič – Croatia

Pierpaolo Iodice – Italy

Jeremy Nadal – France

Ryan Peacock – Great Britain

Manuel Dolzer – Austria

Maurizio Marassi – Italy

Lovely people from Wakeparadise:

Ludovico Vanoli, Carola Biaudet, Basti Baldia and all the team of operators and staff.

 So this is the end… I had great time, my dream came true and I love you all :-*


Official team

European and Africa cable wakeboard championship 2018
Wakeparadise Milano,Italy,
20th IWWF European and Africa cable wakeboard Championship 2018 in Wakeparadise Milano Italy. Open&Seated Categories.

Post Author: Mia

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