Azure Window

In the beggining of this article I just wanna tell you, that I feel so lucky. I was there and I saw it before this sad storm happend. On the 8.3. 2017, because of stormy weather and huge waves, all that beauty fell in to the sea. I wrote about this place in my article Gozo – Island of Calypso. But Now is time to say much more about this beautiful place.

Azure window
Azure window

From my point of view, shame on all people who went up there and slowly destroy this beauty. As you can see even on my picture, there is person up there, even it was strictly permitted from this autumn. That I think was really to late to permit access to top of the window. Ok, I know that main damage did sea, but look that idiot there ruined my picture. 😀

I stop with hates here and write something more about this nice place, because there is many fact I didn’t know and for sure you didn’t know it too 🙂

Azure window in summer time

So the Azure window also known as Dwejra window or in crazy maltese language it-Tieqa tad-Dwejra, was 28 metres tall and it was naturaly made from limestone arch. It was one of the most visited places on Gozo and it was on list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. I think that is enough about the basic info.

Now why was this place kind a important for me and why I always wanted to see this place is the fact that there was filmed lot of movies which touched my heart. I grew up on them and I just totally love them <3

Clash of the Titans 1981First movie which I saw uncountable times is classic Clash of the Titans from 1981. You can see there that window is much smaller than on new photos. On this movie I literally grow up, and I was playing with my granny J.K. on Andromeda and she was everything else. She passed away so, this place touched my heard as same as that movie.

Tv series which was made there was The Odyssey from 1997, I was 7 and I still remeber that feeling when I saw it first time and that stories totally took my breath away in that age 🙂

Another movie I totally love is amazing The Count Monte Christo from 2002. This movie must be in everyones movie bucketlist, because it is about one person strenght and it shows what revenge does to people.

Game of thrones and Malta

Jason Momoa
I just love him and it is from this place so why not 😀



And the last one you know for sure from this pictures 🙂 The amazing, bloody, weallwaitfornewseries and wecantstopwatching The Games of Thrones. In first series was here filmed the Daenerys and Khal’s wedding and I can say that it was totally amazing just stand there and imagine it 🙂

Daenerys and Khal wedding

So thats why I feel so lucky that I was on this place. There are not many places in the world where happend so many movie stuff which touches my heard. For movie addicted person that was amazing moment.

So now rest in peace Azure window, maybe one day I will come back to dive and see you again 🙂

Azure window
Article Name
Azure window
To never forget this amazing place <3

Post Author: Mia

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