Pumpkin soup with coconut milk

I don’t know how you have it with autumn, but I don’t like it at all. One and only thing I like about it is that in autumn is Halloween and its pumpkin time. Only two things I like on this time of year.

I will present to you here one really easy recipe of pumpkin soup with coconut milk, ginger and garam masala spices. That combination is amazing and it literally smells like Halloween.

What you will need:IMG_3484

  • hokaido pumpkin
  • 500ml of coconut milk
  • 20-30g of ginger
  • garam masala spice
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • chicken stock
  • salt&pepper

First of all start with cutting pumpkin into slices like on the picture and put them into oven for 1 hour, 180 degrees of hot air. When pumpkin is ready I put it into my Vitamix mixer, half full of pumpkin half full of water and 30grams of ginger and make a smoothie from it all. Than put it all in to a pot, put there 500ml of coconut milk, I give there 2 cubes of instant chicken stock, 2 coffee spoons of garam masala spice, crush in to it 3 cloves of garlic, little of salt&pepper. Boil and its donePumpkin soup.

About ginger and masala spice its up to you, I even put there more of ginger and more of that spice, but its just about your taste, so try and put there less or more.

When you serve it, you can put on the top pumpkin seeds, top is if you fried them first.

And top top is when you will wait and eat it next day 🙂

Enjoy and let me know in comments, how you liked it.

recipe image
Recipe Name
Pumpkin soup with coconut milk
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Post Author: Mia

One thought on “Pumpkin soup with coconut milk

  • […] First, prepare the pumpkin puree that we will need in the cream. Cut the pumpkin into 4 parts, clean it from the semolina and put it in a heated oven at 180C for about 1 hour. When the pumpkin is soft, squeeze the pulp and mix it with the immersion mixer for puree. It’s great to do this together with recipe for Pumpkin soup. […]

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